Last three months were horrible for me.September was actually "Sitam-ber" and October was like "Octopus".But now when everything was settling down in November , it Suddenly become "No-v-safer" horrible too. I got my hand cut in September almost 2.5 inches.It was my right hand palm.Got 10 stitches for the same .Struggled with stitched right hand palm for nearly 1.5 months.Was not able to use it for 1 month for eating purpose.If some one has a habit
of doing things from right hand suffers when they have to do with left.You cannot write, you have to operate PC from left hand ,you cannot eat with ,you cannot play and most importantly you will not be able sleep properly always fearing of possible pain that can occur.When I got injured I lost nearly 500 ml of blood.I was fortunate that my bones were not touched.It was really a tough time .I got notice from land lord to vacate house because of his son's marriage on 30th September. I initially thought of vacating before his words but some how I missed the opportunity.Anyways I was always having a plan ready to shift either somewhere in Mayur Vihar 2 of Faridabad sec 31 near to office.Having loads of previous experience in shifting houses, I was not worried at all. Fortunately with the help of few office mate I managed to find a temporary 1 BHK accommodation on ground floor with ample space in front and back and that too very near to my office.The location is barely 5 minutes away from office. I was very excited to shift base as early as possible.It was primarily because of two reasons first my hectic schedule would be at end early and my new landlord was not ready to let the start date go beyond 22 nd Sep.Neetu was having fast of "jyutiya" one day prior to shifting day. She was on fast without food and water for more than 24 hours and that is why she was unable to help me packing.I was packing the goods like anything.During that urgency I got cut on my right palm.Believe me with barely 6 days passed of cut incident with the stitches on the rough and hard skin of palm ,shifting base to FBD was nightmare to me .Anyhow I managed to shift successfully.TT tournament has already started at that time in my current office .And I was sure to miss it due to stitches.
I was almost caught in the bomb blast near CP which I have mentioned in my previous blog.The reason was the new TT bat for which I went to CP.
I lost my confidence in the blast. My mind was full of anger and negative thoughts. Normally, I am not the person who can be easily frightened but I don't know what was the reason that I was very scared due to that CP explosion incident.
My mind was reacting strongly towards this incident and I was not able to control my mind after that incident.
OCTOBER--The downfall saga

The whole October I spent in recovering from the confidence loss from those two events.I am very sensitive person and patriotic in nature.I was shattered by the act of terrorism which I have seen live for the first time in my life . As a responsible citizen how can my mind will attain peace if my nation's heart was attacked brutally by a bunch of terrorists.Believe me when a nation is attacked like this(serial blasts) frequently,confidence of the nation is destroyed up to larger extent. Can someone take pride in saying that they live in the safe country whose politicians are able administrator and they can ensure safety and well being to their people.The confidence cannot be build only by having 9% growth annually."Jaan hai to jahaan hai " but we cannot say jahaan hai to jaan salamat rahegi. Manmohan Singh seems to be busy in increasing GDP ,trades and business only.My question is that if you are not safe who will come to you to do a business? The Govt hasn't learnt till date by the several terrorist attacks in which nation has lost several important lives and confidence of the "Junta".
Our leadership is weak.After Indira Gandhi we have not seen able administrators who can save the pride of nation and do the development activity.We are having opportunistic leaders leading the country.The are not ready to sacrifice their personal well beings and greed of "Satta"(ruling stat).Our leaders are very old and slow.It seems that PM ,President and other old fools are in business for few handshakes,few signatures and saying few words from written script.I am totally disagree that these 70+ shd be given any top post.If they are really important then they should be in advisory board.This is time where India should have a young blood leading from the front.
October was a month of financial instability in industry.Global slowdown was affecting Indian Sensex too.The business was suffering.Those who were riding high few days back were in trouble . Companies started closing their units .Unemployment index was high. People were loosing jobs.One of the company's CEO named "Gradiano" was killed by his ex staffs.There was a situation of utmost chaos and panic . Those who were riding high with confidence now got
panicked.Jobs were not safer.Some of the IT majors started firing. Few big financial companies were at the verge of bankruptcy.Due to all these slowdown in US and other part of the world Indian outsourcing was suffering.But beleive me the poor market condition in US can help India.I think companies will follow the policy of cost cutting and thus they can think of increasing total percentage of outsourcing business because it can help the lower the cost of wages.
Remember outsourcing business in India by US is only 3-4% of the total revenue of the organizations.There are chances this year this index can go upto 5.2% . It simply indicates that India will be benefitted because it can provide better skill set people at lower wages .
October is the time when festivals like Dussehara and Diwali falls.People celebrate these festivals with dedication.People love to do shopping of at this time.But, poor market conditions stopped most of the people from purchasing new car ,home ,electronic goods.The business was on its low at this time.People were hopeful that condition will improve in November.But November proved to be major setback. Though fall in inflation and crude oil prices were soothing but that didn't have much impact on price reduction on daily use goods.
NOVEMBER--Mumbai pain

Amidst these problems we have seen the biggest terrorist attack in India till date. On 26th November what happened in south coastal Mumbai is black day in the modern Indian history.The terrorist literally captured southern part of the nation's financial capital Mumbai.although we have seen several terrorist attacks in past but this was of different nature.Blasting bombs is different from Fidayin attack. Let me tell you Fidayins are more dangerous than the Blasts.The
chances of the damage is more when Fidayeens attacks. These Fidayeen were highly trained in Guerrilla war.It is not a act of classic terrorism ,I would call it as Proxy war. There are evidences that fully supports it was fully backed by Pakistan.I will like to discuss about the role of Pakistan later on.The attack were severe as it harmed the elite class of the society and foreign national.several high profile corporates lost their live . Attacks on Taj hotel, Oberai hotel and Nariman building clearly suggest that they wanted to create maximum damage with full media coverage so that can defame the name of Mumbai.India is land of oppurtunities and attacks of these nature in the financial capital of India can slow down economic progress.Indian Army commandos ,MARCOS ,NSG commandos,ATS,Mumbai Fire Brigade and Mumbai Police shown utmost courage to gun down the people who created havoc.These people from forces are the real heroes . I salute them and their family.If I will get a chance I would definitely like to serve their house,family even as servant.They are life savers who don't care about sacrificing their life for our safety. Where is the Bastard Raaj Thakre at this moment.Where is he hiding ? and not coming in front of any of the TV cameras.He must be hiding in some hole like a rat and thinking about his next strategies to target bhaiyas and North Indians. Can he answers a simple question? Where was he ? Can he tell how many Marathis and non Marathis were in the NSG commandos?He is a bastard of such stature that he can even do the counting? Those NSG commandos were having persons from North India as well who ensured that people like Raj Thakre can sleep in peaceful atmosphere. The government is also culprit of these terror attacks. We are seeing regular attacks. This is not an national movement against Britishers for freedom.These are terrorist attacks.If we are not able to counter attack then we will be attacked several times.Because non actions against terrorist boost their confidence to attack again and again.Look what Israel has done .After the attack on Israeli team in Munich Olympic in 1972 which killed 11 players,they have persuaded the militants until there were not finished.Israeli government took several hard steps there onwards to ensure that the terrorist group is completely destroyed.
And look what Indian Leadership is doing since last 15 years.Our leaders will certainly sell our motherland some days . These politicians have no moral values.The are old ,weak and stupid.Flush them out of this system . We should clean them ASAP otherwise our lives are not safe.
And in the last we should feel proud that we have brave officers like Gajraj, Kamte, Unnikrishnan, Kalaskar and Karkare .We should be silent for 2 minutes and pray to God that the soul of 200 died people along with brave hearts rest in peace .