Sunday, November 15, 2009
Reservations- Still there !!!!
I have several examples in places near my villages that people who are from schedule caste and backward class are still at the same level where they were at 15 years back. The Bhangis and Harijans(chamars as systems call them) living near my village ,are still very poor and comes under BPL (Below Poverty Line).They don’t have access of proper education system and they really never showed their interest in education. They were having more than 4 or 5 children to support them in their earnings through daily wages as laborers. The children hardly go to school. Leave this even children from upper caste don’t have proper school. If the school is there then teachers are not there and even teachers are appointed then they hardly come to school. Now a days situation is improving in Nitish Govt and people started to visit the school and there is law and order now and system is coming into its place. Still those who are willing to educate their child in better manner, send them to school in town which is 10 Kms away from village. This is not a case of one village. There are thousands of the villages in India which has the same poor story. The children don’t have access of proper diet in India. How can we even think of proper schooling for all? What happened to those who were SC/ST/OBC had access to schools and were in good economic condition ? I had several friends from school who initially got educated in below average schools and able to complete their graduation,got decent jobs.They were only helped by reservation.They could have achieved without reservations whatever they have achieved , beleive me.May be they could have taken one or two extra years.But they were capable .We never let them felt that they are weak and sick.We have given them same fight and it is true.They were good .But they got undue advantage of reservation system.
My point was that the reservations didn’t helped either. Dr. Kalam said once is very true “increase the number of seats so that even you apply reservations that would not reduce the number of seats for deserving category students”. Whenever the deserving youth was rehabilitant in its way, the government gave them a kick by increasing % of reservation. The people in government have nothing to do with social upliftment. They just want to utilize the SC/ ST /OBC votes to their stability and political benefits.Now the political party even playing a gimmick of giving reservation to upper cast people. The deserving youth has to fight more and struggle more .But they are excelling in Private sector Jobs where skill and personality maters the most.Wo kehte hain na ki "Sona tapne ke baad hi Nikharta hai”.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Gandhi Nagar Capital

“Gandhinagar Capital” is what written on the railway station. A small and quiet station crowded not by people but by trees at one side of station. The main gate side has few beautiful railway quarters embedded in the dense forest. Yellow buildings among green trees looks like jewel in the crown. No city in Asia can match the greenery of Gandhinagar. Yes, you are thinking right that G’nagar is greenest in Asia. I really want to appreciate this fact that Gandhinagar is one place where you can get really fresh air. You will get more than ten trees per person in Gandhinagar.My health has been improved in last few months just due to calm and less polluted environment. I am spiritually more developed here because of the people and environment which has a divine impact.
The whole world is feared of the impact of green house gases and degenerating and deterring condition of environment around us. Everybody hear and see the news of destruction by several cyclones, acid rains and flood. The whole world is suffering from the tremendous change through which the earth is going. The cyclones, flood, acid rains and drought are occurring very frequently and mankind and creatures of the earth are suffering the most. Are we really going into civilization? Civilization doesn’t mean destroying the nature. Are those big factories and chimneys symbol of civilization? Is this destruction a real development? The rivers that have given birth to human civilization are dying. People sitting in Kanpur, Delhi or Mumbai never bother about the river which is lifeline. They bother about their packaged drinking water but, they are really not concerned from where they come from? Everybody see rivers dying and nature is spoiling, but nobody is coming for rescue. Aam Indian is busy in roji-roti and ignorance about these rivers. They like to comment sometime, but they don’t know what to do?
What about Indian youth power who is well educated? They are busy most of the time in their quest of opposite sex friends and feel proud doing that because their American counterpart achieves these things. They start it early these days as American achieve early.Ok, lets focus again. Overall youth is trying to relish whatever underachievement their previous generation have through whatever means. I must say our previous generations were struggling to get their act together. The migration happened from a society which got independence to a society, which got some development with a confused meaning of the independence. The power was conceived as tool to rule the people, not to serve them and uplift the nation. The British rule was not over. We were confused system and the initially Congress governments were just an extension of British rule. Everything was just an extension of what happened in British rule. We were not evolving as a system of our own. That is why people, who were having power, misused it. Now again when they feel system is not in place they started copying Americans. Why we only copy other? Why we look for an American, Chinese and Japanese model of working. Though we tend to copy west more as we are English speaking people. Why cannot we have a Indian Model of working which is efficient? If we don’t copy west we can come up with our priorities for the problems and can get solutions of our problems as we think not as others think. We have copied literally everything from west, be it sports, constitution, governance, industrial development, allopath, education system, English and many more. Still we are confused people.
Why don’t we hear our heart? Why do we tend to think like the people in west? We are living in entirely different weather conditions, our environment is different. We can’t be like western people. We foolish people still blindly follow west. I tell you an example. The climate of India in different. It is hot but Lawyers still wear the clothes which were suggested by British. Is it justified? There are several other examples.
When I entered in Gandhinagar, it was altogether a different feeling. If you see and live in Gandhinagar, you will feel that heart is heard here. Everything is very close to nature and our own likings .The good things have been taken from west but the entire system is very much ours.
Gandhinagar is a well planned city and planned according to need of the people here. Every sector you live will give you a feeling of community. There are lots of trees and a temple in every sector. Few shops at a place for basic daily need goods. For shopping one can go to few sectors which have big markets. For vegetables there are organized selling centers. Gandhinagar is divided into 30 sections. Each section is 1 X 1 KM wide and long. .Gandhinagar is rectangular in shape. It is better planned than Chandigardh as it has got more roads and trees. The roads are wider and there are specific forest zones.The fuels for public vehicle used here is CNG which is less polluted. The impact of living in such a peaceful and organized place is very much visible on the people here. People here are honest, religious, calm and hard working and they are firm believer of their culture and roots. Now because of the nature and thinking of the people here they have got city like G’nagar. G’nagar and around has some of the best institutions India have. The institutions like Petroleum University, IIT, DAIICT, Plasma Research center have increased G’nagar intellectual capita.Living here is so easy and peaceful that I want to leave in this place forever. If you live in G’nagar you really don’t bother about few problems which every Indian is facing like Reservations on Caste basis, Transportation, sub standard drinking water, bad power situation, corruption, intense political battles, Gundagiri and many more. Gandhi is not a statue here. Gandhi is a philosophy here. You can sense it even in small child. I want to send alert to all people of cities who live in polluted and corrupt environment ,learn form G’nagar otherwise you all bound to fall.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Views on the Indian tech industry
Views on the Indian tech industry:
It's a topic that has been oft debated - that India's tech industry is a lot like the Chinese manufacturing phenomenon - Low cost, reasonable quality, minimal innovation. I was an employee of a huge IT company in India (what the heck, it was TCS) and have, in the two years in their employ, developed certain opinions and concerns about the direction of India's IT revolution.
Here's how Indian IT companies operate (Infy, TCS, Wipro and the second string such as Mastek, Satyam, Patni etc). Hire engineers in bulk, never mind that they are not computer scientists or electrical engineers - if they can write a few lines of code in C/C++ and are academically decent, they're hired . After all, they don't need brilliant engineers - just people who will do as they are told and reasonably intelligent enough to get the client's work done, and bullshit their way out of it if they don't. They'll rarely make CAD software for Electrical engineering or mechanical engineering. Instead they will develop "end to end solutions" for banking, finance, inventory management, website development, etc. By develop I mean code, not design - there is a huge difference between the two, something which I will touch upon shortly. One important thing to note is that the HR in most IT companies don't give a damn about individual interests. They will put you wherever they need someone to slog for them. I've had one HR person tell me that they will put me in a project where they get maximum money, regardless if I am interested or not. And they wonder why so many people leave!!!
What is the nature of the work? At least 70% of the international projects in most Indian IT companies is maintenance - i.e someone else has already developed an application. All you need to do is add more features/change behavior as per client's request. Then there's production support, which is worse. It is almost call-center work - ensure that the application runs normally and if it fails, get it up and running ASAP. Take calls from the client, update on the status. In a sense, like a car mechanic - I didn't get an engineering degree to be a car mechanic - I got it to design the car! Finally, if you are lucky you get development - write code. But then, writing code is easy - it is like manufacturing a car. What is not, is designing a system that works efficiently. Typically, foreign clients get the design done by the likes of Accenture, IBM, etc. The designs are then sent to Desi companies, who actually do the coding at a cost much cheaper than IBM or accenture. Thus, all we do is donkey work. It is not technology - it is programming. Technology is a new idea, paradigm or design - programming is implementing that design. Thus, most of the people in IT waste their engineering degrees, doing mundane programming, until they are made project managers - after which they spend their lives approving time sheets, conducting appraisals and sucking up to the client . Wait a second - shouldn't an experienced IT professional be doing advanced stuff and leave the bullshitting to MBAs?
Why is it so hard for Desi companies to do design? They've not tried hard enough (yet) to get into this space. They just don't have the competence to get the job done. Desi companies are amazing at procedure oriented projects - if there is a procedure in place telling us what to do, we can do it. They don't have the experience (and therefore the brand equity) to attract IT consulting projects. Consulting is largely a reputation driven business. In order to build such a reputation, desi companies need to hire high-flying consultants - they dont come cheap. Even after all this, there is no guarantee of results! (Lately, Infy is trying to get into this space, I'm told, so good luck to them. I dont think TCS is though :-)) How many software products come out of Indian cos? IFlex is the only company to have a product successful worldwide. Making products is expensive and again, there is no guarantee of success - why risk it when services give me an assured income?
Why do we need to get into high end IT - consulting and products? Simply because the algorithm of low cost, low margin services will run it's course in the future. As pay scales rise in India and the rupee appreciating wrt the dollar, margins become more and more slim. In time, India may not be as competitive as say Brasil or Russia - the American cos will take their projects out there! U can see trends in the manufacturing sector - earlier Taiwan was the manufacturing base for American cos, then South Korea and then these days, China For too long have we been stuck in the procedure oriented IT services. It is time to invest in consulting and products, and take Indian IT to the next level, or else I fear we will remain stuck in this low end nonsense.
. Indian companies thus have 2 choices - identify and set shop in countries where the low cost, low margin algorithm can be applied (TCS seems to be taking this route) or enter into high end IT, which is independent of geography (Which Infy is trying). I believe the latter is the better route - it is a high margin business and reasonably high tech. What is even better, is coming up with technology - like Java, efficient databases, advanced operating systems (Like Sun, Oracle or Microsoft). That is real tech. It's not that we can't do it. It's just that we don't want to risk it. But, nothing venture, nothing have! Desi companies’ don't even do proper R&D!
Finally, a true story. Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation (TSMC) was huge in the chip manufacturing industry, making almost 60% profit. They could have got into chip design, and potentially, designed low cost chips. However, design is a risky business - what if the chip bombs? TSMC chose to stick to it's core competence - fabrication. In time, TSMC's profits have declined to 20% or so... they're still number one, but don’t make as much money as they used to... Are we learning yet?
But dost logo Recession ke time pe sab karna padega .
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Cricket is Obsession

Cricket is obsession in
We play on few Saturdays by dividing team among ourselves. Initially only member of JAVA team were willing to play as they have played it on few occasions earlier. Later few members of testing team got involved and then players of Microsoft team also joined us. We decided to play a so called official match between MS and JAVA teams. Though Java team members were very few in numbers. Hardly 6-7 people were in JAVA team. Sunil and I were included in JAVA team. Sunil Bainsla was much excited and actually he is very emotional about the game. He was busy in framing mails for inviting MS team to play a match. He was thinking 24*7 about the game. Sometime we have to stop him discussing about cricket. He is crazy stuff. Finally he gave me a call on Saturday morning at 6 AM for reaching in playground. Though it was painful but it was our passion which drawn me to the field. We played two matches against MS team and won both of them.Chetan and Bhati bowled very well.Pankaj got few wickets. In first match Vikas Goyat didn’t bowled as per expectations.But he bowled well in second match. We borrowed two players from MS team. I played a satisfactory knock. I have a unique paradox that I go for opening and take the strike. If my team doesn’t provide me this facility they cannot extract 100% from my batting. It is psychological more than technical. I feel comfortable going for opening. MS team fought hard in first game but surrenders in second.Anyways my team won both matches. In second weekend MS and JAVA both won one match each. I have learnt few new words Sunil Bhati thet movement can be alternative of start. He was fond of the phrase “Thoda movement rakh” when he was bowling.
There were some cheating and unfair play.But Itna chalta hai . Kunal bagged limelight by his fielding standards. He was actually fielding for us.
The crowd was expecting some cheerleaders. One of the MS bowler Rakesh alias RAKA
was taking long run up to frighten the batsman.But,it was a flop show. Though he manage to take some wickets. But he did not gained reputation among batsmans.
Overall it was a nice experience for me to play for JAVA team. I hope to regain my form and play a good knock for winning cause of my team.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Ek shaheedo ne kheli thi
Ki humari holi bebaak rahe
Ek holi aatankiyon ne kheli
Ki humari holika jal gayi,
Jinhone beeda uthaya tha
khoon ki holi khel kar
swatantrata ke phoolon se
Desh ko sajaya tha,
Aaj wahi holi roti hai
Holi mein rang laal aaj bhi hai
Par mayane badal gaye
shaheed hote aaj bhi hain
lekin unki shahadat ko
Netagan chat kar gaye
Unke balidaan ko
Rajneeti ke rail me
Kursi ke khel me
Istemaal kar gaye
Inhe rastra gaurav ka
maan nahi,desh pe apne
bacha koi abhimaan nahi
har paanch saal baad
satta ke galiyaroon mein
bhikhaari paida hote hain
note nahi vote sahi
maangkar le jaate hain
Phir inki holi hoti hai
aur phir rastra apne
pachhtave ke aansoo rokar,
gham bhulane ke liye
holi khelta hai aur
saath mein chand bottle
whisky ki uddelta hai
Ek holi wo thi ek holi ye hai
Ek holi wo thi ek holi ye hai
kab tak aakhir aaj ka yuva
kaam ka pressure batakar
apni rastra seva ke kartavya
se bhaagta rahega bachkar
Kyun hum jeete hain apne
swarth ki duniya mein
Kal kaisa hona chahiye
ye bhi hume nahi pata
Kal ko paise se tolkar
apni prakriti ko chhedkar
bhrast netaon ko na jhajkodkar
Apni duniya kyon bigaadte hain
Kyun nahi sambhaltein hain
antheen yatra mein bhatakte hain
Kyunki yatra mein sukhad sapne hain
Padaav nitant apne hain
In maya jaal se nikaalkar
Mushkiloon se gujaar kar
Aag mein tapkar
Nikhar jaaoge tum
Aaj holi phir ye kehti hai
Ki khelo mujhe usi laal rang se
Ki kehta wo laal lahu ka rang
ki tujhme hai jajba
kutchh kar dikhane ka
Muskil hai dagar
par tujhme hi hai wo josh
manjil ko paane ka
Aaj 'ye' aur 'wo' holi ka phark mita do
aaj gagan mein ek badi dahaad do
Vijay ki holi khelenge ye Pukaar do
Aur aane wali holi ko sudhaar do
yahi hai sachche veero ki shraddhanjali
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Shahabuddin-The menance
Shahabbuddin has links with ISI and their sponsered institutions in Nepal.
When Shahabbuddin was about to be arrested in Bihar,he fleed to Nepal where he stayed in hotel in Butwal(I have confirm source and knowledge)
Shahabbuddin has gone to Kashmir thrice to meet with Arms Trafficklers and he met the Hizb terrorist.He is having relationship with Shakeel Ansari who is ISI agent and a member of Parliament in Nepal.
Manoj Tyagi has been arrested by Delhi Police,is close to Shahabbuddin and is a ISI agent.He has been given the assignment of kill the two journalist.Tyagi was given a 'Supari' by Shahabbuddin on behalf of big political party.The two journalist are said to have done the sting operations against the political party .Tyagi was arrested with weapon and a map of the home of the two journos.
What govt. is doing ? They left Shahab with some arms cases against him.Shahabbuddin has PhD degree and 18 licenses of different kind of weapons.He is bigger than that .He is a arms dealer confirmed by the Ex DGP. D P Ojha has been transferred by the govt. ruling then.Laloo felt that DGP is going against the will of govt by investigating and preparing report against Shahabbuddin. DP Ojha has accepted in his report that Shahabbuddin is very serious threat for the nation and govt must take appropiate action against him.
The Laloo govt then tried to save him for their own puposes.Shahabbuddin must be eradicated..People who are associated with him should leave their personal benefits and greed which they are drawing in his name .Shahabbuddin is more dangerous than a terrorist. He is destroying internal security of the one of state of India which can lead to sveral terrorist attacks .Jail is like his in-laws home.The institutions he has build in Siwan is partially funded by ISI and politician like Laloo support his activities just to take monetary benefits and benefits of power from him.Laloo is compromizing with national security.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Name Game
Ok! let me discuss what I thought yesterday.I went down to memory lane and try to find how many of my friend till my graduation I still remember.Then I thought ok! how many of them were closely associated with me and how many of them I still remember because of their behavior and face.When I recalled all of them the counting was huge. So I am selecting few of them for my story. May be few more will be added later if I found them interesting and relevant.
These are my personal observations and there is no offenses intended.There is no girls included in the list.They will be taken care in another chapter.
The most common names I recalled were "Sunil","Vijay","Brajesh","Rajeev","Varun","Krishna","Pramod","Gaurav","Rahul","Arnav","Ashsih"and "Surya". Apart from them many of the names which occurred only once like Vinay,Karunesh ,Somnath,Ajay,Uma nath,Ravi,Ravish,Rajneesh,Shashank,Tribhuwan,Aakash, Animesh,Abhinav,Manish,Kunal,Parikshit,Saket,Kailash Himanshu and Arvind .They all are my good friends.
Let me begin with the names which occured more than once.Lets begin with best known Pramod.
Pramod-I know two Pramod who were my classmates.Both were ambitious and methodical and live life as it comes . Both were fiercely competitive and matured.They were well dressed and behaved and belonged to good family.In nut and shell they were very clear head thinking mind.As the name suggested they both were interested in "Hindi Movies".One of them was found of new movies .Any new movie came in theater he was the first among us to visit it.
One of the Pramod is my best friend so far.He lives in Gorakhpur and works in BSNL.
Rahul- My classmates with these names were arrogant in nature.They were sophisticated,well dressed and a bit crazy stuff.They were having their own comfort zone and were non flexi in attitude.Dressing sense was up to the mark and their public speaking was balanced.They are having moderate success in their life because of their attitude.One important thing was common among them was their interest in music and cricket.
Sunil-I came across four Sunils.2 till 8th class and two in 12th.The common thing among them was they were hard working guys in a sense they covered all possible routes of all the teachers for tuitions .Tuition was like a bribe which has to be paid in EMI to get full support of the teachers to pass the exams.It was done to please the teachers.Few teachers liked EMI as a earning tool as an extra income.So both of Sunils were buttermaster and cosidered this tool useful for success rather than their own skills. Sunils were famous for setting up a poor benchmarks like studying Computer Science at lesser known institute like Priyadarshini College of Engineering in Noida.They were trying to set up a benchmark of studying Comp Sc in Noida ,but the institutes were C-grade.The result was "they are still struggling". Hence they believed in doing things by any means without applying any process of decision analysis and resolution. They were crazy people with bad etiquette.One thing they were champ at and that was buttering.Their dressing sense was pathetic and personality was sublime.They relied more on bad practices.
But one of Sunil who studied with me in bachelors was very successful because he was more balanced in life.He did his masters and Phd from JNU.
Nagendra-I was having two classmates with the name Nagendra.One was with me in Middle school and the second was with me in class 9 and 10 th . Both the Nagendras were clear headed and no nonsense and were close friends with me.They were talented but with poor family values.They were good at maths and Scout camps and girls were their main weakness.One of Nagendra was 3 years senior to me but due to unfortunate situation he was stdying with me from 5th to 8th class.I was knowing two or three girls in that period in my colony and Nagu was aware of it.One of Nagendra is successful and second is in Indian army serving as Jawan.He is now saving pretty girls from enemies like Pakistan on the border.
Brajesh- I came across two Brijeshs.Both were ambitious,daring better in studies than me.But their emotional quotient was low.They were having ego problems.Their dressing sense and public behavior was controlled.They were balanced and achieved good success in the life.they could have achieved more but due to their egoistic ,non flexi attitude they are stagnate in few sense.But let me tell you I was having edge over them in creativity and talent.
Surya-One Surya was with me in Bachelors and another was with me during middle school.Both were ambitious,methodical better in studies than me and achieved much success than me . One of them studied maths in masters at IIT Kanpur.One of them was good at setting targets and achieving them.
So here ,one chapter of my story ends. I have not written about many of friends and it doesn't imply that they are not important.Will do more research and come back with new chapter of my history.Watch out for same.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Terror Code
Do u know what does it mean?
If it is not cracked try these 51 93
Not able to find then use this table.You can know how terror code is communicated by terrorist outfits with the help of ISI.
--9 -- 8 --3 --7 --2 --0 --6 --4 --5 --1
1 A --B --C --D--E --F --G --H --I --J
2 K --L--M--N--O --P --Q --R --S --T
3 U--V--W--X--Y --Z
These are the terror code used by Terrorist organization in Pakistan in Mumbai attack.
Will update you more on this soon.
Now see how phone number are written.
Can u crack this? Even IB and RAW could not cracked it . helped them to 51.12 .
5 -----4------ 0 ---- 2 ------8
1 -----3------6 -----7 ------9
Replace the numbers which comes in first row by number in second row and vice versa.