Wednesday, July 30, 2008

India is a culture in existence for more than 4000 years at least . In Chennai there are two flowing rivers which were fairly pure till at least 1947 . the british even built a canal between the two and enjoyed rowing in it . The same situation is everywhere be it Mumbai ,Delhi or Agra.Yamuna is in the worst state in Agra and Delhi and people from government are saying 2000 crore has been spent cleaning the same.The end result is nothing .Still lots of dirty water drains are flowing into the rivers daily.Who cares?
Today after 60 years of education where even the tea shop dogs seems to have some technical degree approved by AICTE.The rivers are nothing but sewage choked , extensive deforestaion, intolerably hot and pathetic MODERN condos where only an A/C will let you be at outside temperature .
The more people seem to be the less socially responsible and environmentally aware we are becoming , learning to live entirely for ourselves and out own not giving a damn about nothing else . So to start out with youth in village and smaller place are going to be corrupted with the filth thats poured out from modern schools, soon the fate of malabar is gonna be the same as chennai .
What we are trying to achieve is by killng religion hindu or islam , we can all become secular and dirty,filthy atmosphere is our benchmark.We never think of our coming generation.What kind of future we are going to give our children?By above standards we will be able to give them not better than slum like situtation in coming future.

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